Using QPACK encoder

Firstly, create QPACK encoder by calling nghttp3_qpack_encoder_new(). It requires hard_max_dtable_size parameter. When in doubt, pass 4096 for this tutorial. Optionally, call nghttp3_qpack_encoder_set_max_dtable_capacity() to set the maximum size of dynamic table. You can also call nghttp3_qpack_encoder_set_max_blocked_streams() to set the maximum number of streams that can be blocked.

In order to encode HTTP header fields, they must be stored in an array of nghttp3_nv. Then call nghttp3_qpack_encoder_encode(). It writes 3 buffers; pbuf, rbuf, and ebuf. They are a header block prefix, request stream, and encoder stream respectively. A header block prefix and request stream must be sent in this order to a stream denoted by stream_id passed to the function. Encoder stream must be sent to the encoder stream you setup.

In order to read decoder stream, call nghttp3_qpack_encoder_read_decoder().

Once QPACK encoder is no longer used, call nghttp3_qpack_encoder_del() to free up memory allocated for it.

Using QPACK decoder

nghttp3_qpack_decoder_new() will create new QPACK decoder. It requires hard_max_dtable_size and max_blocked parameters. When in doubt, pass 4096 and 0 respectively for this tutorial.

In order to read encoder stream, call nghttp3_qpack_decoder_read_encoder(). This might update dynamic table, but does not emit any header fields.

In order to read request stream, call nghttp3_qpack_decoder_read_request(). This is the function to emit header fields. sctx stores a per-stream decoder state and must be created by nghttp3_qpack_stream_context_new(). It identifies a single encoded header block in a particular request stream. fin must be nonzero if and only if a passed data contains the last part of encoded header block.

The scope of nghttp3_qpack_stream_context is per header block, but nghttp3_qpack_stream_context_reset() resets its state and can be reused for an another header block in the same stream. In general, you can reset it when you see that NGHTTP3_QPACK_DECODE_FLAG_FINAL is set in *pflags. When nghttp3_qpack_stream_context is no longer necessary, call nghttp3_qpack_stream_context_del() to free up its resource.

nghttp3_qpack_decoder_read_request() succeeds, *pflags is assigned. If it has NGHTTP3_QPACK_DECODE_FLAG_EMIT set, a header field is emitted and stored in the buffer pointed by nv. If *pflags has NGHTTP3_QPACK_DECODE_FLAG_FINAL set, all header fields have been successfully decoded. If *pflags has NGHTTP3_QPACK_DECODE_FLAG_BLOCKED set, decoding is blocked due to required insert count, which means that more data must be read by nghttp3_qpack_decoder_read_encoder().

nghttp3_qpack_decoder_read_request() returns the number of bytes read. When a header field is emitted, it might read data partially. Application has to call the function repeatedly by adjusting the pointer to data and its length until the function consumes all data or NGHTTP3_QPACK_DECODE_FLAG_BLOCKED is set in *pflags.

If nv is assigned, its nv->name and nv->value are reference counted and already incremented by 1. If application finishes processing these values, it must call nghttp3_rcbuf_decref(nv->name) and nghttp3_rcbuf_decref(nv->value).

If an application has no interest to decode header fields for a particular stream, call nghttp3_qpack_decoder_cancel_stream().

In order to tell decoding state to an encoder, QPACK decoder has to write decoder stream by calling nghttp3_qpack_decoder_write_decoder().

Once QPACK decoder is no longer used, call nghttp3_qpack_decoder_del() to free up memory allocated for it.