ngtcp2_pkt_write_stateless_reset ================================ Synopsis -------- *#include * .. function:: ngtcp2_ssize ngtcp2_pkt_write_stateless_reset( uint8_t *dest, size_t destlen, const uint8_t *stateless_reset_token, const uint8_t *rand, size_t randlen) `ngtcp2_pkt_write_stateless_reset` writes Stateless Reset packet in the buffer pointed by *dest* whose length is *destlen*. *stateless_reset_token* is a pointer to the Stateless Reset Token, and its length must be :macro:`NGTCP2_STATELESS_RESET_TOKENLEN` bytes long. *rand* specifies the random octets preceding Stateless Reset Token. The length of *rand* is specified by *randlen* which must be at least :macro:`NGTCP2_MIN_STATELESS_RESET_RANDLEN` bytes long. If *randlen* is too long to write them all in the buffer, *rand* is written to the buffer as much as possible, and is truncated. This function returns the number of bytes written to the buffer, or one of the following negative error codes: :macro:`NGTCP2_ERR_NOBUF` Buffer is too small. :macro:`NGTCP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT` *randlen* is strictly less than :macro:`NGTCP2_MIN_STATELESS_RESET_RANDLEN`.