ngtcp2_transport_params_decode_new ================================== Synopsis -------- *#include * .. function:: int ngtcp2_transport_params_decode_new(ngtcp2_transport_params **pparams, const uint8_t *data, size_t datalen, const ngtcp2_mem *mem) `ngtcp2_transport_params_decode_new` decodes transport parameters in *data* of length *datalen*, and stores the result in the object allocated dynamically. The pointer to the allocated object is assigned to *\*pparams*. Unlike `ngtcp2_transport_params_decode`, all direct and indirect fields are also allocated dynamically if needed. *mem* is a memory allocator to allocate memory. If *mem* is ``NULL``, the memory allocator returned by `ngtcp2_mem_default()` is used. If the optional parameters are missing, the default value is assigned. `ngtcp2_transport_params_del` frees the memory allocated by this function. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following negative error codes: :macro:`NGTCP2_ERR_MALFORMED_TRANSPORT_PARAM` The input is malformed. :macro:`NGTCP2_ERR_NOMEM` Out of memory.