HTTP/2 C library and tools

Nghttp2 v1.46.0

We have released nghttp2 v1.46.0.


A workaround is added to avoid the broken version check in AX_PYTHON_DEVEL macro.

It adds the missing cmake files to EXTRA_DIST.


HTTP/3 feature is now available with BoringSSL.

SCT data is now available with BoringSSL.

New QUIC and HTTP/3 related options were added: --frontend-quic-initial-rtt, --quic-server-id, and --rlimit-memlock.

--frontend-quic-connection-id-encryption-key has been removed, and the new option --frontend-quic-secret-file has been added which specifies initial keying materials to generate QUIC secrets and keys for connection ID and tokens. It also supports the rotation of keying materials.

HTTP/3 ALPN h3-29 is now supported.

--worker-process-grace-shutdown-period option was added to set the maximum grace period to wait for a worker process to terminate gracefully.

--max-worker-processes option was added to limit the number of the lingering worker processes.


HTTP/3 feature is now available with BoringSSL.