

#include <ngtcp2/ngtcp2.h>

ngtcp2_ssize ngtcp2_pkt_write_version_negotiation(uint8_t *dest, size_t destlen, uint8_t unused_random, const uint8_t *dcid, size_t dcidlen, const uint8_t *scid, size_t scidlen, const uint32_t *sv, size_t nsv)

ngtcp2_pkt_write_version_negotiation() writes Version Negotiation packet in the buffer pointed by dest whose length is destlen. unused_random should be generated randomly. dcid is a Connection ID which appeared in a packet as a Source Connection ID sent by client which caused version negotiation. Similarly, scid is a Connection ID which appeared in a packet as a Destination Connection ID sent by client. sv is a list of supported versions, and nsv specifies the number of supported versions included in sv.

This function returns the number of bytes written to the buffer, or one of the following negative error codes:


Buffer is too small.